I came across a quote by Jeremy Campbell in The Liar’s Tale that seemed significant in light of the lengthy dialogue taking place in the post about epistemology below. Campbell says:

It is a creeping assumption at the start of a new millennium that the are things more important than truth.

As I read the healthy dialogue being volleyed back and forth between Zac and Jennifer, it seems to me that the elephant in the room is that at least one party is holding tightly to a worldview that values something (you fill in the blank) more than truth (I am sure the question will then be asked, “What is truth?” and “How are we to know truth?”)

Are we living in an era where people, particular postmoderns or post-postmoderns, value the journey toward truth – which they believe is ultimately unknoweable in a definitive, absolute sense of the word – more than they value truth itself? Do we value our subjective, relative experiences more than we value the truth claims of Scripture, especially when we find said truth to be incompatible or irreconcilable to our experience? This is a more important question to me than whether or not one can define or defend what truth, which is always under assault in both secular and spiritual circles, is because I’m convinced it is the preservation of some value other than truth that erodes the foundation of truth as revealed in God’s Word.

So the question would then be, if there are things that people value more than truth, what are those things that we value so supremely that we are willing to compromise truth in order to maintain our grip on them?